MR Solutions introduces 9.4T preclinical MRI imaging solution to cardiovascular sector


MR Solutions’ new 9.4 tesla cryogen-free preclinical scanners was demonstrated to cardiologists at the 20th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society for Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (SCMR; 1-4 February, Washington, DC, USA).

As well as being extremely powerful, a press release states that this new scanner can be multi-modality, incorporating PET and/or SPECT capabilities. MR Solutions’ helium-free scanners offer a compact scanner with a small stray field at a very competitive price.

David Taylor, chief executive officer of MR Solutions comments, “At the SCMR we displayed our latest scanner ranges up to 9.4T which offer multi-modality scanning (including PET or SPECT) and better performance.”

To provide the SPECT images, the four gamma camera heads and focusing collimator can be easily clipped on to the front of the bore of the MRI scanner to provide state of the art 3D SPECT images, according to the release. The SPECT images can be registered with the MRI images providing anatomical-functional combined capability. The SPECT gamma camera can also be used independently.

The PET capability is provided by solid state detectors which are incorporated in the bore of the MRI scanner. The scanner is intended to combine the structural and functional characterisation of tissue provided by MRI with the sensitivity of PET imaging for metabolism and tracking of uniquely labelled cell types or cell receptors. This is particularly useful in oncology, cardiology, and neurology research.