IVL has “changed the dynamics” of facilitating EVAR & TEVAR in calcified iliac arteries


Frank Arko (Charlotte, USA) talks to VEITHtv at the VEITHsymposium 2019 (19–23 November, New York, USA), about the benefits of using Shockwave Intravascular Lithotripsy (IVL) when performing EVAR and TEVAR through calcified iliac arteries.

Arko, who shares some of the downsides of traditional procedures to deliver endografts in the presence of heavy calcification, underlines that Shockwave IVL technology has been a “game-changer”. The use of IVL, he points out, can help to avoid other costly, complicated or risky adjunctive procedures, keeping EVAR and TEVAR minimally invasive just as if a patient had non-calcified anatomy—and it enjoys “fantastic” results, he notes.

This video is sponsored by Shockwave Medical.


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