EuroPCR 2017: Low risk of scaffold thrombosis with Magmaris


Data presented at EuroPCR (16–19 May, Paris, France) indicate that a metallic bioresorbable scaffold (Biotronik) is associated with a lower risk of scaffold thrombosis compared with a polymeric scaffold. Michael Haude (Medical Clinic I, Städtische Kliniken Neuss, Lukaskrankenhaus GmbH, Neuss, Germany) reported at a late-breaking trial session at the congress that there was 0% incidence of definite or probable scaffold thrombosis with Magmaris after two years of clinical follow-up in the BIOSOLVE-II trial.

Also at EuroPCR, during various talks, physicians explored the different factors leading to the low risk of scaffold thrombosis with Magmaris. This included low thrombogenicity, fast resorption time and better endothelialisation of the magnesium scaffold compared to a polymeric scaffold.

Several preclinical shunt trials by Ron Waksman (MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, District of Columbia, USA) and colleagues focused on the factor of acute thrombogenicity. The first trial confirmed the low risk of thrombus formation, with 86% less platelet coverage on the scaffold surface area with Magmaris compared to a polymeric scaffold. This study indicated lower thrombogenicity of the magnesium scaffold. A press release reports that the successful outcomes were later attributed to favourable design and the magnesium material of the Magmaris backbone. The data were presented for the first time at a PCR’s Got Talent  session by Michael Lipinski (MedStar Washington Hospital Center, Washington, District of Columbia, USA).

Michael Joner (Deutsches Herzzentrum München und Deutsches Zentrum für Herzkreislaufforschung e.V., München, Germany) presented the importance of scaffold design and material on reducing thrombogenicity during the symposium Magmaris Magnesium BRS: Safety and Performance of an Advanced and Innovative Technology. He discussed the impact of the scaffold design on fluid dynamics of the blood flow, which is linked to platelet activation, and also showed preclinical data demonstrating 15% better endothelialisation of Magmaris compared to the polymeric scaffold. The positive outcomes of both factors potentially support the promising results of the thrombogenicity trial by Waksman et al.

Joner notes: “Material and design are essential contributors to the safety and performance of a scaffold. Our findings clearly show that Magmaris offers significantly lower thrombogenicity than the polymeric scaffold, helping us to increase patient safety.”