Speaking to Cardiovascular News at the ECHSA 2019 meeting (European Congenital Heart Surgeons Association; 20–22 June; Sofia, Bulgaria), Guido Michielon (London, UK) says that the CardioCel bioscaffold (Admedus) has a wide application from neonatal age to paediatric age. The main advantage is that it is “acellular” and that the ADAPT technology means it is probably “free from calcification” in the long-term. He also notes that a big advantage is the “pliability, especially during neonatal cardiac repair”.
He talks about how CardioCel provides benefits in intracardiac and Right Ventricular Outflow Tract (RVOT) reconstruction procedures. As such Michielon notes that he “does not have an exclusion criteria for using CardioCel”. Michielon goes on to further outline the various patient types and anatomies where he sees a benefit for Shape technology.
Michielon also explains why in select cases he has used Cardiocel for repair of aorta pulmonary windows as well as reconstruction of the neopulmonary artery in arterial switch operations.
This video is sponsored by Admedus.