Tag: hypertension

ESH guidelines represent a “significant milestone” for hypertension management

ReCor Medical and its parent company Otsuka Medical Devices have welcomed the release of updated...

SoniVie receives FDA IDE approval for pilot study to treat hypertension with renal artery denervation TIVUS technology

SoniVie recently announced that on 5 May 2022 the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) granted inve...

EuroPCR 2022: Sham controlled trials have “revitalised” interest in renal denervation

 “Renal denervation has travelled a very storied path over the last 10–15 years,” David Kandzari...

TCT 2021: Medtronic unveils data on hypertension treatment preferences, launches SPYRAL AFFIRM study

Medtronic has announced findings from a new study of patient preferences for the treatment of hypert...

ACC 2021: Long-term blood pressure control the “holy grail” for renal denervation in patients with resistant hypertension

 Ajay Kirtane (New York, USA) talks to Cardiovascular News about the RADIANCE-HTN TRIO trial whi...
Michael Bohm

Virtual ACC: Renal denervation bests sham control to safely lower blood pressure in patients with untreated hypertension

Three months after undergoing renal denervation, patients with untreated high blood pressure had...

TARGET BP I trial enrols its first patient

The first patient has been randomised in the TARGET BP I trial at the Piedmont Heart Institute i...

New Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science established

The Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, an alliance between academia and the NHS, was e...

First procedure performed in Rox Medical’s CONTROL HTN-2 clinical trial

The first patient was treated in the CONTROL hypertension (HTN)-2 clinical study, the Rox Medical’s ...

Marijuana use associated with three-fold risk of death from hypertension

Marijuana use is associated with a three-fold risk of death from hypertension, according to research...

Researchers find new carotid body-removal treatment for hypertension

A team of clinical scientists at the University of Bristol (Bristol, UK) have found a new way to...