Tag: ESC 2021

“No red flags” for ticagrelor monotherapy according to stent type

 George Dangas (New York, USA) discusses the results of the TWILIGHT-Stent trial, presented at the...

ESC 2021: One-month dual antiplatelet therapy post-stent implant benefits high bleeding risk patients

One month of dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) following stent implantation in high bleeding risk...

ESC 2021: New guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute heart failure published

The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of acute and chr...

ESC 2021: Study charts impact of following health advice after a heart attack

Adherence to lifestyle advice and medications could add seven healthy years of life after a heart at...

ESC 2021: Family history outweighed by lifestyle choices in study of premature heart attacks

Young heart attack victims are more likely to be smokers, obese, and have high blood pressure or...