Philips announced today the latest addition to its portfolio of dedicated cardiovascular ultrasound solutions—Affiniti CVx. The system aims to support cardiology departments in delivering better care to more patients with increased efficiency and throughput, Philips said in a press release.
The new Affiniti CVx enables a tailored workflow for cardiologists by integrating with a common platform that was first introduced with EPIQ CVx, the Philips premium cardiology ultrasound system. Affiniti CVx includes a configurable UI, many popular automated tools and the sharing of transducers, now including TEE transducers, across the Affiniti CVx and EPIQ CVx systems.
Affiniti CVx will also feature AutoStrain technology, which has been shown to reduce strain analysis time by 70%. Together, these features will enable cardiology departments to standardise their ultrasound fleet for easier management, simplify cross-platform clinician training and reduce the total cost of ownership, Philips said.
At ESC 2020, Philips debuts its new Affiniti CVx and release 7.0 for EPIQ CVx cardiovascular ultrasound solutions, which include improvements to enhance confidence in diagnosis and procedures, as well as improve the user experience.
“The COVID-19 pandemic has created an urgent need for nimble, user-friendly cardiac ultrasound solutions that can keep patients and healthcare providers safe while also generating the data needed to make confident decisions. With Release 7.0 of EPIQ CVx and Affiniti CVx, we’ve sharpened our focus on improving the cardiology experience by increasing the integration of our platforms to meet this demand,” said Alexandra Gonçalves, cardiologist and medical officer for Cardiology and Personal Health at Philips. “Taken together, these releases help cardiology teams work faster and with greater precision and efficiency so that they can deliver the best possible heart care.”